File Specifications

Please supply one of the following vector formats:

  • PDF (preferred)

  • EPS

  • SVG

  • AI

Note: We cannot guarantee quality of print using artwork made in Canva.

If you supply us with your design made in Canva, one of our designers may need to recreate it in the correct format.

Additional charge for design time may apply.

Advanced Specifications

Please supply the following information to your graphic designer.


Supply as CMYK.

Embed any spot colours you wish to match.

Please embed ICC profiles in images where possible.

White ink must be placed as a spot colour on a separate layer and called “white”.

Bleed & Trim Marks

Small Format: 2mm (minimum)

Large format: Provide bleed where applicable

We do not require trim marks or registration marks.


Below 5000x5000mm: 100%

Above 5000x5000mm: 10%

Please scale down large files to 10% and make a note in the filename.



Scaled down files must have the ppi scaled up accordingly at export time.

Example: a 100ppi file at final size must be a 1000ppi file at 1 tenth size.

This resolution must be entered in PDF output settings at export time.


Provide a spot colour dieline on a separate layer and call it “cutpath”.


Please outline all fonts.


Why can you not print from Canva files?

Technically, we can. However, because Canva is a raster based software, your design will come out blurry. We would rather just not supply you with a blurry print and just redesign the art.

What is Raster vs Vector?

Vector essentially means it’s scaleable; it can be “blown up” to large sizes without any blurriness occurring.

Raster means it consists of limited pixels, so if stretched the pixels get larger and become visible, causing the “pixelated” appearance.

I have provided a PDF but it’s not a true PDF. What does that mean?

A true PDF contains vector elements like text and shapes.

A “false” PDF means the file has been saved incorrectly, and is made up of raster elements instead.

How much will it cost to redesign my Canva art for print use?

It is entirely dependant on the complexity of the design. Please ask one of our friendly in-house designers for an estimated cost. If you haven’t spoken to one of us yet, please contact:

Can I use an online converter to change my file format to vector?

Unfortunately, no.

An online converter can change the filetype, but it cannot convert raster to vector. This can only be done by a graphic designer.